Click here to see AndrsWeb Pagewith biomedical and non-medical Links and information about the 9-language BIOMEDICAL DICTIONARY: over21 Megabytes of medical terminology!
Click here to see a large subset (39% of the key words/phrases inEnglish only) taken from a relatively recent version of the MultilingualMedical Dictionary/Thesaurus (version of 2004)its about 34% of current total English entries (with little or no text formatting).
German and Dutch columns include about 35,850 entries each.
English, Leber Hämangiom,. See detailed information at
This web page (except for sample content above) was last updated in August, 2009.
But the main biomedical-technical database (from which all the trilingual and bilingual dictionaries are derived) is augmented, refined and updated almost every day. ♥♥
To order any bilingual, trilingual or multilingual version of this biomedical-technicaldictionary, first copy, print (on your letterhead) and fill out the ORDER FORMand User License Agreementpage athttp: or at
Click herefor information on methodology, style, bibliography, sources, pricing, quality, software formats, criteria and text formatting of the large Multilingual Medical Dictionary/Thesaurus
or at
We preLeEnglish, Leber Hämangiomber Hämangiomfer Google... it seems to offer more impartial results. What is your opinion? O que voc acha?♥ ♠♣
Click here to see Andrs Online Web Portal of 2,110 FREE MEDICAL GLOSSARIES& biomedical web sites. 840 sites listed in English, 300 in Spanish, 137 in Portuguese, 225 in French, 140 in German, 110 in Scandinavian languages, 115 in Dutch; 52 in Italian, 9 in Russian, 7 links to Greek medical glossaries and 140 medical sites in other languages or multilingual.The URL is